A.S. Zuev1, R.A. Isaev2
1,2 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
The paper sets the task of integrating neural interfaces (brain-computer interfaces) as a new input device with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) as well as augmented, mixed and virtual realities based on a short overview of basic concepts of arranging human-computer interaction. An advanced alternative to pointing devices, touch screens, hand gesture, speech recognition and eye-tracking systems is neural interfaces which do not require physical action but are instead employed nowadays to analyze muscle activity (including the facial muscles) and the user’s concentration on controlling the movements of an object, while in the medium term – to also analyze the operator’s concentration on GUI elements and executable software features.
The paper presents a way of obtaining primary data to implement the tasks of controlling the horizontal and vertical movements of the object (cursor) on a plane as a result of training decision trees and neural networks. These were used by the authors to interpret brain signals registered by the non-invasive neural interface Emotiv Epoc+. The suggested method can also be applied in training neural networks and decision trees to control the object movements on a plane at a variable speed.
The authors have formulated the following hypothesis: the identification of brain activities according to diagonal object movements can be guaranteed without selecting the corresponding dataset classes for training decision trees and neural networks. Furthermore, they introduce a general implementation scheme of combining neural interfaces with devices of augmented, mixed and virtual realities and draw a conclusion about the multipurpose nature of these solutions for extended reality environments as well as for complex graphical user interfaces.
The study describes the unique role of neural interfaces as part of the facilities of human-machine and -computer interaction, which is induced by the brain transferring controls to hardware and software (currently available) and the sensory organs simulating signals to the brain (to become available in the medium term). The study also outlines the main areas of the research concerning neural interfaces carried out in the laboratories of the Institute of Information Technology at RTU MIREA.
Zuev A.S., Isaev R.A. Neural interfaces – a new facility for human-computer interaction. Science Intensive Technologies. 2022. V. 23.
№ 2. P. 70−82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202202-07 (in Russian)
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