A.A. Podmarev1, E.S. Ustinovich2, N.A. Kudryavtsev3
1 Strela branch of MAI (Zhukovsky, Russia)
2,3 JSC “V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Moscow, Russia)
In conditions of constant growth in the use of software-defined radio systems (SDR) technology, the question arises of creating an inexpensive radio system on an affordable ECB. The use of software-defined radio systems gives the device (system) flexibility in terms of modernization, since this approach does not imply a change in the hardware. As a rule, complex systems are characterized by multichannel. Hence, there is a need to create a multi-channel radio system.
The authors propose to use RTL-SDR radio receiving modules to organize multi-channel reception of radio signals. This radio system may be in demand in the development of small-sized radars and the study of digital diagram formation. A block diagram of a three-channel radio receiver based on RTL-SDR has been developed. A program has been developed in the LabVIEW environment that allows collecting data simultaneously from three RTL-SDR modules. Tests of the joint operation of the equipment in the SDRSharp program were carried out. A laboratory installation based on PXIe-1085 was assembled together with Phase Matrix FSW-0020 to form a test modulated signal with a power of -10 dBi, operating in the L-mode. Three RTL-SDR modules were tested together with horn antennas. A foundation has been created for the study of digital diagram formation based on RTL-SDR modules.
Podmarev A.A., Ustinovich E.S., Kudryavtsev N.A. Experimental studies of multichannel reception of radio signals based on RTL-SDR. Science Intensive Technologies. 2022. V. 23. № 1. P. 21−28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202201-03
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