M.V. Dvornikov1, S.M. Kastersky2, V.P. Khar’kov3, V.N. Chernukha4
1 R&D Centre (Air and Space Medicine and Human Engineering), AF Central R&D Institute of MoD (Moscow, Russia) 2,4 R&D Institute of Ergatic Systems (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Russia)
3 “Nauka SOFT” LLC (Moscow, Russia)
The focus of this study is on preventing the hazard of big and fast changes of barometric pressure to an air crew caused by the large amounts of air escaping fast from a pressurized cockpit.
The solution proposed consists in the synthesis of air supply and cockpit pressure control loops, which is achieved by adding an air escape compensator to the air supply loop. Based on the readings of pressure-sensing elements, the air escape compensator computes the amount of the escaped air and accordingly changes the amount of air to be supplied to the cockpit exactly by that amount. The time for the pressure in the cockpit to fall to its permissible minimum is obtained through simulation for the case where the cockpit pressure control system operates without the air escape compensator. The effectiveness of the use of the compensator is backed up by calculation.
Dvornikov M.V., Kastersky S.M., Khar’kov V.P., Chernukha V.N. Synthesis of pressure regulation in a pressurised cockpit with compensation for sudden air escapes. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 7. P. 52−59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202107-07 (in Russian)
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