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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the main methods of storing and retrieving information in databases
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202107-03
UDC: 004.005

N.E. Sadkovskaya1, A.A. Suslov2, N.Yu. Kotlyarova3, M.S. Anferova4, A.Yu. Kuzmich5

1–4 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)

2,5 Public Joint-Stock Company "Scientific and Production Association «ALMAZ» (Moscow, Russia)

3 Open joint-stock company «NIIDAR Scientific and Production Complex» (Moscow, Russia)

5 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin


In the present the moment in the Russian Federation exists the global national objective of import substitution set for different industries including the enterprises of defense industry complex (further – OPK), in particular and before the enterprises of the radioelectronic industry.

At import substitution there is a need for search, storage, the analysis and processing of a huge information stream and data. Especially sharply it is shown in production of the knowledge-intensive products. Now for the solution of this problem databases (further – a DB) which are realized in the form of information massifs are used. In such DB data are had on the grouping sign established in planning process and design (most often by the name of the stored files), however similar realization fully does not allow to process now big data streams that, in turn, negatively affects on developments and modernizations the equipment of new generation. The DB realized in the form of information massifs represents the table of admissible replacements of electroradio products of import production (further – ERP IP). In the majority replacement ERP IP of one producer on ERP IP of other producer prevails. Replacement ERP IP on domestic analogs is realized only in insignificant volume that does not allow to solve the state program of import substitution properly.

Use of mathematico-static methods and the principles of ranging of statistical signs of the available information for creation of a DB, can significantly simplify this task, and, in further, and will allow to create and use such DB at various stages of product lifecycle (at stages of planning, development and modernization of modern knowledge-intensive radar stations and the systems of airspace). Results of similar realization can be used for the problem resolution of import substitution by realization of the most effective application of a DB at the enterprises of various branch orientation.

During the work in the field of import substitution there is a need to apply various methods of information analysis and use of certain algorithms of its search in a DB.

Acceptances of the analysis of the empirical information allow to process and organize the available material. By means of these actions there is "consolidation" of information and, further, expansion of area of similarity. After that new limits of differences in the mass of empirical data are established.

After the analysis of the empirical information through groups and classifications by allocation of properties and types of information, use of mathematico-static methods and ranging of statistical signs information takes the structured form. Such type of information is applied to implementation of convenient and fast information search in certain storages and a DB.

The algorithm of realization of a DB with application of mathematico-static methods and use of ranging of statistical signs allows to obtain the most relevant information, that is information obtained on the basis of semantic search which is most "adequate" to required request.

It is possible to draw a conclusion that realization of a DB on the basis of semantic search with application of mathematico-static methods and use of ranging of statistical signs of information will allow to perform faster and reliable (relevant) search. It will provide the most effective application of a DB at the enterprises.

It is possible to use the DB realized in this way at stages of product lifecycle, namely at stages of planning, development and modernization of a product. Within the state program of import substitution this realization will allow how to improve development of new modern details and knots of the innovation products, and to provide more effective modernization of already available products.

Pages: 22-28
For citation

Sadkovskaya N.E., Suslov A.A., Kotlyarova N.Yu., Anferova M.S., Kuzmich A.Yu. Analysis of the main methods of storing and retrieving information in databases. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 7. P. 22−28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202107-03 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 26.07.2021
Approved after review: 12.08.2021
Accepted for publication: 14.10.2021