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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Method for aircraft multi-functional simulator synthesis
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202106-01
UDC: 519.856

L.E. Mistrov

Air Force Research Center «Air Force n.a. prof. N.Е. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)


In modern conditions, the basis for training aircraft crews (AC) is ground training for working out solutions of a certain type and a variety of training tasks (UZ) on flight simulators. The variety and complexity of UZ for candy types of aircraft, the work of simulator-building enterprises on outdated technologies, the lack of specific requirements in the development of modern AT predetermined the urgency of the task of substantiating the structural and functional appearance of aviation multifunctional simulators (AMT) for solving many diverse tasks.

AMT is understood as a set of integrated training objectives for control elements, information support and execution (based on hardware and software), designed to solve a certain set of UZ in the interests of training crews of various types of aircraft. Determination of their shape parameters depends on the complex interaction of temporal distributions of various processes and events and is based on solving two interrelated problems: a) determining the functional purpose, structure and composition of information necessary for solving ultrasound and b) substantiating the structure, composition, characteristics and principles of hardware operation – software tools (APS) that determine the method of structural and functional synthesis of AMT .The solution to the problem of AMT synthesis is carried out in accordance with the conceptual representation of the problem: to determine for a given set of ultrasound a set of AMT functions of various types, composition and relationships of the AMT and the order (algorithms) of functioning that provide a solution to a certain nomenclature of ultrasound on a set of conditions for the use of aircraft The method is based on the substantiation of the type and composition of the LAS, control functions for solving a set of UZ (control in the «large») and transition functions for solving one UZ (control in the «small») based on the optimal resource allocation of the LAS and establishing control relationships between them interaction and following. The main method for its solution is hierarchical decomposition, which provides the structuring of the AMT synthesis problem into a system of general and particular functional problems of admissible complexity. Based on this, on the basis of system analysis methods, a descriptive model of AMT application is being developed in the form of an interdependent system of typical elementary, simple, complex and target situations structured by research levels, reflecting the spatio-temporal dynamics of specific ways of using specific types of aircraft. Based on the method of systematic coverage, the formation of AMT appearance options in the form of a morphological set of APS is carried out with the establishment of relationships between them, taking into account the limitations. For a formal study of the AMT appearance on the basis of the invariant immersion method, the structural and functional decomposition of the US into a system of educational subtasks (UMP) is carried out, and their, in turn, into a set of elementary fragments (EF), reflecting the specific techniques of the crews when implementing the methods of performing the assigned US on specific type of aircraft. This structuring makes it possible to single out elementary technological operations (IT) at the lower level, reflecting the quantitative values of the parameters in the implementation of methods for performing the EF CPM and which are the basis for software development at the lower level of AMT research. Based on the methods of classification by functional characteristics, they are combined into cluster groups for the subsequent formation of a hierarchical system of software components (PC) designed to solve EF, CPM and US in general. Proceeding from this, the structure of AMT models and methods represents a four-level hierarchical system for the study of individual IT, individual, aggregate and PC system when modeling EF, VMI and US. This predetermined the development of a hierarchical system of models and research methods for AMT to be carried out according to information, information-system and system indicators of quality (efficiency). Determination of information and information-system indicators makes it possible to form the phase space of the APS states when solving each UZ. Determination of the same system indicator by the method of group optimization of APS on the aspects of functional, structural and parametric synthesis methods provides: a) determination of the optimal appearance of control subsystems, hardwaresoftware and information support; b) an assessment of the technical capabilities of meeting the requirements from the AMT level to the APS and c) the calculation of the efficiency and needs of the AMT in the APS. On the basis of the formed permissible composition of the APS, a factor analysis of the multidimensional space of variable AMT parameters and the substantiation of the optimal version of its appearance are carried out.

The method provides research to substantiate the basic technical requirements for the AMT appearance in order to ensure the solution of a certain set of ultrasonic systems by the crew of a specific aircraft type.

Pages: 5-18
For citation

Mistrov L.E. Method for aircraft multi-functional simulator synthesis. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 6. P. 5−18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202106-01 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 2.04.2021
Approved after review: 29.04.2021
Accepted for publication: 27.08.2021