Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Comprehensive assessment and ensurement of chemical and biological safety in the healthcare system using machine learning technologies
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998465-202105-01
UDC: 665.6:51-7

E.A. Voronin1, S.V. Kozlov2, N.K. Thuong3

1,2 Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management” of the RAS


Based on the general concept of security as a state of protection of vital interests of an individual, society and the state from threats, a comprehensive approach to its assessment is proposed based on the decomposition of the end-to-end process of ensuring security in a specific area of their activity. At the same time, in relation to chemical and biological safety management systems in the industry, it is considered as interconnected sets of organizational (business processes), organizational-technical and technical-technological processes in their life cycle. The classification of the processes that make up their complete group in the life cycle of the control system is given.

In relation to each of these processes in the life cycle of the safety management system, the formulation of a typical formal task for evaluating the main indicators of chemical and biological safety is considered, a mathematical method and a criterion for its evaluation are given with the possibility of implementing the method in machine learning technologies. In contrast to the traditional approach, when the assessment of safety indicators is carried out in fragments according to specific highly specialized indicators, the proposed approach, by evaluating its indicators on the basis of a complete group of processes, covers the sphere of organizational (business processes), organizational-technical and technical-technological processes, which allows to take into account the state of chemical and biological safety in the industry both in organizational, technological and technical aspects to the maximum extent.

In relation to each of these processes in the life cycle of the safety management system, we consider the formulation of a typical formal task of evaluating the main indicators To select and justify a universal, normalized indicator of medical and biological safety of the state of living conditions of the population. To develop mathematical methods and methods of security assessment based on a systematic approach for various schemes of protection organization and event schemes in a complex environment. To develop a fundamental structure and methodology for the design, organization of work and use of an information system for monitoring and ensuring biological and medical safety.

The principal structure is presented and the principle of organization and use of the system of information and analytical support of medical and biological safety is substantiated. A universal, normalized safety criterion has been selected and justified, which allows implementing state and industry standards for assessing the level of safety and quality of measures and systems to ensure it. Mathematical methods and methods of security assessment based on a systematic approach have been developed for various protection organization schemes and event schemes in a complex environment.

Pages: 5-16
For citation

Voronin E.A., Kozlov S.V., Thuong N.K. Comprehensive assessment and ensurement of chemical and biological safety in the healthcare system using machine learning technologies. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 5. P. 5−16. DOI:10.18127/j19998465-202105-01 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 25.05.2021
Approved after review: 8.06.2021
Accepted for publication: 25.06.2021