S.R. Amirova1, A.I. Markin2, Michtchenko Alexandre3, T.V. Tulaykova4
1,4 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia)
2 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
3 Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México, Mexico)
The ideas and calculations presented in the article relate to the field of meteorology and climatology and for extinguishing forest fires. It is proposed to use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) combined with a portable device for the dosed addition of hygroscopic reagents for precipitation enhancement in natural clouds. The complex, like the UAV with special device for dozed reagents, is characterized by mobility and the possibility of its usage in hard-to-reach woodlands. The advantage is that UAV is easy to use and does not require large airfields with a long runway and other special aviation equipment necessary for the operation of large aircraft. It should also be noted that the mass of the necessary chemical reagents is many times greater than the mass of received water in the form of precipitation from clouds according to the developed and currently available technologies. The algorithm and examples of calculating the key points of the application of the complex and the method of its implementation are set out in the text.
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