A.N. Grigor’ev¹, E.A. Dudin², V.Yu. Ryabchevskiy³, N.V. Maseev4
1–4 Military space academy n.a. A.F. Mozhayskiy, Sankt-Peterburg, Russiaф
The presented research was performed to develop a scientific and methodological apparatus for estimation of aerial survey effectiveness. The work takes into account the parameters of the unmanned aerial vehicle, of the optoelectronic onboard special complex and the spatial properties of the areal object. The result of the research of works in the field of aerial survey using unmanned aerial systems is presented. It is revealed that the analysis and synthesis of specific sets of unmanned aerial vehicles with onboard special complexes is carried out in a qualitative way according to individual technical parameters. At the same time, aggregate indicators characterizing aerial survey effectiveness are not evaluated. Models of an unmanned aerial vehicle, special airborne complex, areal object and requirements for the quality of survey materials are proposed.
The assumptions under which the modeling of aerial survey of the areal object is performed are determined. On the basis of models the procedures of analysis and synthesis of aerial survey system are developed. The content of the procedures takes into account the loss of the survey resource that occurs due to the remoteness of the object and making approaches to the next shooting route in tack flight mode. The procedures allow to determine the potential effectiveness of the survey and to choose the configuration of the onboard special complex to ensure optimal performance of the survey of the areal object. The results of a computational experiment on the example of a conditionally real light high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle are presented. The dependence of the effectiveness of aerial photography on the remoteness and spatial properties of the areal object is presented. For different conditions, the configuration of the onboard special complex, which provide optimal multi-route shooting, is determined.
Grigor’ev A.N., Dudin E.A., Ryabchevskiy V.Yu., Maseev N.V. Approaches to the analysis and synthesis of unmanned aircraft system in the research task of aerial survey of area object. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 3. P. 78−88. DOI: 10.18127/j19998465-20210309 (In Russian)
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