Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Advanced technologies of the pilotage service in the sea and river ports of the Arctic zone of the RF
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998465-202103-04
UDC: 621.396.969

V.N. Skosyrev¹, A.E. Ananenkov², N.A. Golov³, V.A. Usachev 4, N.V. Ivanovskii5

1,3,4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

2 Moscow Aviation Institute (Technical University) (Moscow, Russia)

5 FSBEI HE «Kerch State Maritime Technological University» (Kerch, Russia)


In a significant number of waters with difficult navigation conditions, especially in the waters of the sea and river ports of the Arctic, despite the presence of a wide range of modern information and navigation aids, pilotage is actively used. In some cases, the pilot's situational awareness in difficult meteorological conditions is insufficient, which necessitates the introduction of more advanced information sensors and communication tools.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop proposals on the principles of building technical means for increasing situational awareness during pilotage in sea and river ports of the Arctic zone of Russia.

This article proposes the concept of constructing a system for providing a pilot with additional highly detailed information based on the technology of broadband data transmission of a highly informative port radar station directly to the pilot's terminal with visualization of the real picture of the navigation situation.

The application of the proposed principles of building information support systems for pilotage services in ports will improve the efficiency and safety of navigating ships in the port water area and on approaches to the port, increase the rate of information exchange between the control point and the ship's crew (pilot), and create prerequisites for automating ship management processes.

The use of a new generation of highly informative radars and mobile terminals associated with them via broadband communication channels ensures the creation of a local navigation system for navigation. That ensures pilotage in the Arctic zone of ships of any type, including those without high-quality ship radars, and provides automation of the assessment of threatening situations and solutions for them prevention even with unstable operation of satellite navigation systems.

In essence, this technology is the first step towards increasing the automation of navigation in ports and ship passages.

Pages: 31-38
For citation

Skosyrev V.N., Ananenkov A.E., Golov N.A., Usachev V.A., Ivanovskii N.V. Advanced technologies of the pilotage service in the sea and river ports of the Arctic zone of the RF. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 3. P. 31−38. DOI: 10.18127/j19998465-202103-04 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 25.02.2021
Approved after review: 16.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 29.03.2021