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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Kaluga region
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202101-06
UDC: 504.05

Ju. M. Zhukova¹, M.Yu. Zavarzina², T.M. Prokhorova³

1,2 Kaluga branch Bauman Мoscow State Technical University (Kaluga, Russia)

 3 LLC company «Ecoanalyt» (Kaluga, Russia)


Climate change, namely global warming, remains at the forefront of the global environmental debate.

At present, the international Paris Agreement, which aims to maintain the average temperature of the planet, is in force.

The Russian Federation develops, annually updates, publishes and provides a national inventory of anthropogenic emissions and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases. Each region shall annually conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals on its territory.

According to international recommendations and methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals, the base year should be 1990, because then it becomes possible to carry out an analysis for a multi-year period.

Different methodological bases and instructions of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources are used to estimate GHG emissions and removals. Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Kaluga region for the period 1990, 2012-2017 was conducted by JSC "Research Institute of Atmosphere", and for 2018 – LLC Ecoanalitika. The amount of absorbed greenhouse gases was considered for such land categories as forest land, arable land, fodder land, lands of settlements and special purpose lands.

GHG emissions were estimated by the sectors "Energy" (Section I), "Industrial Processes and Product Use" (PIP) (Section II), "Agriculture" (Section III) and "Waste" (Section IV). The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions may be of varying complexity. The higher the level of complexity, the more accurate the results.

Presented data for 1990, 2012-2018 show that GHG emissions excluding absorption increased by 5 per cent, while emissions excluding absorption decreased by 38 per cent.

The presented chart shows that the largest amount of emissions is in the Energy Sector.

The results of the assessment of GHG emissions and removals should be used in planning the development of the annual inventory.

Pages: 49-55
For citation

Zhukova Ju. M., Zavarzina M.Yu., Prokhorova T.M. Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Kaluga region. Science Intensive Technologies. 2021. V. 22. № 1. P. 49−55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202101-06 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 24.11.2020
Approved after review: 18.12.2020
Accepted for publication: 12.01.2021