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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of problems of granting access rights to information systems
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998465-202004-04
UDC: 004.056.52

S.V. Pasechnikov – Post-graduate Student, 

Moscow Technological University; 

Head of Department, 

JSC «Concern «Morinformsystem-Agat» (Moscow) 

E-mail: pasechnikov_sv@mail.ru

V.V. Avdeev – Post-graduate Student,  Moscow Technological University;

software engineer, 

JSC «Concern «Morinformsystem-Agat» (Moscow)

E-mail: seva90394@gmail.com


The article presents an analysis of the different approaches of granting access rights to information systems and also describes the need to ensure the security of stored information.

Every company has its own information systems nowadays. These systems are used to create and to store every type of data, including commercial classified information. All employees must be provided with the correct access to information systems. The mode of access depends on the level of the employee's position. There are two main modes. The first allows only reading files and the second to create and edit data. There are also more specialized options for granting access rights. For example, the user is allowed to create files, but he can’t transfer them to an external drive. The issue of quality approach of providing access rights to information systems is a serious aspect of any company's activity.

To solve such issue there are modern control systems. These systems are a preventive measure to prevent information leaks. They allow companies to manage access based on roles and monitor current rights of employees. Based on the current policy of granting access rights to information systems, they monitor all changes on target systems and manage them.

The task of creating an effective management system for granting access rights to information is relevant not only for the large corporations, industrials and oil holdings, but also for small companies that have a high level of automation, work with personal data or have the commercial classified information.

Modern control systems for granting access rights allow us to solve a number of tasks that arise when building a secure information management system, such as:

creating your own tool for monitoring the configuration of the subsystem; information security; minimizing privileges and non-excess user permissions; monitoring the execution of access requests; find out at any time who, when, and why got access to the information resource and does this comply with the security policy. Providing access rights to information systems is a very complex process that affects various organizational mechanisms. It should be elaborated in detail. Modern control systems for granting access rights allow companies to do it, by following the data security policy.

Pages: 36-41
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Date of receipt: 3 февраля 2020 г.