Nguyen Van Toan – Post-graduate Student,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: toanhamai@gmail.com
Nguyen Quang Thuong – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
State University of Management (Moscow)
E-mail: tikrus20.21@gmail.com
The article presents the cluster nature of the effect of massive metal glass in the iron-niobium-boron system, considers the formation of spirals from «collective» tetrahedron – a cluster formed from an octahedron with tetrahedron attached to it along the faces, as well as the question of the location of boron molecules in the resulting spirals, and provides a refined view of the spirals describing the structure of metal glasses in the Fe-Nb-B system.
Twin clusters that are structural units for the helices of the Fe-Nb-B system are formed as an elementary building unit of the desired chain – the HCC of a tetrahedron with an edge equal to five atomic radii. Tetrahedral twinned clusters consisting of atoms that are simultaneously located in HCC and GP configurations are presented. Based on the refined elementary unit of the chain, a refined form of spirals describing the structure of metal glasses of the Fe-Nb-B system is obtained. A tetrahedral union of intersecting icosahedra along the inner tetrahedron is defined as the construction unit of the structure of massive glasses. The Fe and Nb atoms are located at the vertices of the three-dimensional body, and the 12-atom cluster B is located inside the intersection tetrahedron.
The generation of the structure of massive metal glasses by spirals explains the phenomenon of massive metal glass due to the complexity of the structure and the complexity of the transition from an amorphous state to a crystalline one.
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