350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The environmental safety assessment of high-power transmitting phased array antenna in the near zone
environmental safety zone
phased array antenna
power flux density
near zone
zone of «shadow»
inclined protective electrodynamic screens
P.I. Grebenschikov - Engineer, JSC «RTI» (Moscow)
E-mail: pgrebenschikov@rti-mints.ru
V.S. Losev - Deputy Main Designer, JSC «RTI» (Moscow)
E-mail: vlosev@rti-mints.ru
D.K. Gavrilov - Engineer, JSC «RTI» (Moscow)
E-mail: dgavrilov@rti-mints.ru
G.G. Babayan - Leading Engineer, JSC «RTI» (Moscow)
E-mail: gbabayan@rti-mints.ru
In present research work described the methodology and calculation of the environmental safety of high-power transmitting phased ar-ray antenna in the near field with the use of sloping metal protective screens installed along the perimeter of the PAA.
The installation of protective sloping electrodynamic screens allows to extend the zone of «shadow» and significantly reduce the level of electromagnetic fields outside the sector scanning of the PAA.
The decrease in the radiation level behind a protective sloping screens reduces the size of the the environmental safety zone (ESZ) to a level that ensures the safe operation of personnel and access to the elements of the PAA during the operation.
The calculation of electromagnetic fields in the «shadows» for different values of power flux density (PFD) in the transmission aperture of the PAA shows us how to increase the size of the ESZ with the increase in PFD.
The main method of reducing the size of the ESZ in close proximity to high-power PAA is the increase in the length of the inclined protec-tive electrodynamic screens. Thus, the necessary length of the inclined shield is determined by the radiation power of the PAA.
Pages: 36-40
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