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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Radar simulation modeling in acquisition mode of low-speed small-size targets
I.K. Antonov - Ph. D. (Eng.), IT Head of «Tour Operator «Biblio Globus», «BG-Optics»
E-mail: iantonov@complex-systems.biz
A.A. Lavrov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Research Scientist, Public Corporation «BANS»
E-mail: lavrovacad@gmail.com
Creation of programs for simulation modeling of low-speed targets radar detection mode is difficult, due to the necessity of signal processing in the period of long coherent gathering, measured in tenths of a second. In this paper we propose a modeling method that allows to significantly reduce the computational cost while the reliability of the obtained results remains. The developed simulation model is designed to study the characteristics of multi-beam radar. It is made in a linear fit of the equipment characteristics of the apparatus. Passing the complex envelope of the signal through the system with an infinitely wide dynamic range of the receiving path is analyzed. The model architecture allows exploring multi-beam radar of any configuration.
Proposed approaches to the methods of simulation modeling of multi-beam radar allow you to perform calculations on conventional computers with sufficient accuracy for the design of the real radar. Completion of example simulations showed good agreement with the theoretical estimates of the radar characteristics. Greater accuracy of calculations require verification of model parameters with the characteristics of a real instrument.
Pages: 37-45
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