350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Aerial work platforms - electro-mechanical accelerometer operation modes control based on ANFIS neural fuzzy-logic output system
aerial work platforms
micro electro-mechanical accelerometer
ANFIS neural fuzzy logic output module
M.S. Korovina - Teaching Assistant at the CAD Systems Design Department, The Artificial Intelligence Faculty, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
E-mail: pgups2013@yandex.ru, big-bernar@yandex.ru
Aerial work platforms (AWP) are dangerous industrial objects of cycling operation, with working conditions determined by documentation standards. From statistics, it is known that AWP mechanisms show significant failure rate related to inappropriate maintenance, despite the fact that most of the AWPs don-t have any maintenance mode control equipment. The article demonstrates the approach to AWP operation modes control with the ANFIS fuzzy-logic output technology, combining the advantages of neural networks and fuzzy logics output systems. The research with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in MatLab has outlined the correlation between linear acceleration vector of an AWP electric drive and driving torque values for steady and non-steady operation modes, using several membership functions with altered initial data sets and varied iterations for training and test data sets. Two neural network training methods - backpropagation and hybrid - were compared. The model was generated with grid partition algorithm (without clustering).
1. The technology of controlling the working modes of an AWP with a micro electro-mechanical (MEMS) accelerometer and ANFIS neural fuzzy-logic output MatLab module, allows to find out whether the work parameters of the AWP conform to documentation standards; for this purpose, the driving torque value is determined by the linear acceleration vector components - values with a minimal mean squared error of 0.17535 for the hybrid training method and linear output for a generalized bell-shaped membership function.
2. The minimal mean squared training error occurs when eveluating each of the components of a linear vector for five linguistic terms; and when evaluating driving torque values in electric engine for one hundred twenty-five linguistic terms.
3. The mean squared errors analysis for training and test data sets has revealed that the errors depend on the adaptive fuzzy neural output system settings and the number of iterations.
4. The analysis of an adaptive neural fuzzy logic output algorithm preview has revealed that the components of a linear acceleration vector represented in fuzzy logic output system, are not used for some output algorythms.
5. The filling for a membership function graphs for the linear acceleration vector components, showing the level of input membership to fuzzy terms of the algorithm, varies depending on the adaptive fuzzy neural output system settings.
6. The fuzzy output surface preview allows to find out the relation of one or two components of a linear acceleration vector with driving torque value, and to adjust low-energy mode MEMS thresholds.
7. ANFIS Fuzzy Logic Toolbox has a wide variety of user settings for input parameters; this technology requires further automatization.
Pages: 11-18
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