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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The concept of lean production - the optimal model for the improvement of high-tech enterprise management system
S.H. Ekshembiev - Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Deputy General Director - General Designer on the Cost of Production Management, Economics and Finance, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail: ekshembiev_sh@concern-agat.ru S.V. Andreev - Deputy Head of Department - Head of Division, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail: andreev_sv@concern-agat.ru
As the output of defense industry enterprises to new markets becomes relevant the question of improving the management system of science-intensive high-tech enterprises. As international experience shows the evolution of management methods, the concept of lean production, the most suitable for reducing costs at all stages of the life cycle. That is why the concept of lean manufacturing is becoming more popular in the defense industry enterprises. The starting point of the concept of lean production - appraisal value of the product for the end user, at every stage of its creation. All activity is divided into operations and processes that add value to the consumer, and the operations and processes that do not add value for the customer. Using the tools of lean production are identified and eliminated the following types of losses: overproduction; excess inventory; transportation; idle (waiting); excessive processing; movement; Corrections (losses due to defects); untapped creative potential of employees. The key factors to ensure the effectiveness of lean manufacturing are: full support of senior management; developed system of training at all levels; the involvement of all employees in the process of continuous improvement; understanding and enthusiasm for work. Implement lean manufacturing tools outside experts forces can not be, it can only be employees of the company, knowing and solving its problems. Lean manufacturing system enables: the reduction of development time of new products; growth of quality products; growth of labor productivity; cost reduction; produce large quantities of goods and services with less effort for smaller production facilities and lower costs. Implementation of lean manufacturing to high-tech enterprises of the defense industry gives impetus to related industries.
Pages: 76-79


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