350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The method of shifting the coordinate system on lathes sliding head machines with CNC
G.V. Shadskiy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Tula State University E-mail: chief.gennadiischadscky@yandex.ru I.N. Isakov - Leading Process Engineer, JSC «KBP named after Academician A. Shipunov»; Post-graduate Student, Department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering», Tula State University E-mail: ISAKOVIVAN71@yandex.ru
We described a new technology for machining precision lathes sliding head machines with CNC. Previously, this equipment length of treatment was strictly limited to the stroke of the spindle along the longitudinal axis within one cycle. The proposed method of shifting the coordinate system showed a clear advantage. We managed to increase the effective length of the treatment several times. This is achieved through removal of the spindle in its outermost position and reassignment scratch control program. The passport scheme of the equipment has been modified by disconnecting the supplying device of the workpiece. The described method of manufacture of parts of long length of small diameter workpieces without the risk of deformation of the rod between the rest and the spindle. This treatment option is performed by specifying the minimum stroke of the spindle and the frequent reassignment of zero flow programs. We described the variant in which the feeder rod cannot be disabled. For its implementation you need to configure rest the collet so that the force of her drive was greater than that of the feeder of the workpiece, thereby avoiding the failure in the orientation of the rod in the machine coordinate system. The described method allows to significantly expanding the range of parts machined on lathes sliding head machines with CNC.
Pages: 64-67


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