350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
A mechanism for telescopic extension of reflector-s tubular spokes and shafts
D.V. Skokov - Head of Department, Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk). E-mail: 5823@mail.ru V.I. Khalimanovich - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Director of Industry Center, JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev «ISS» (Zheleznogorsk). E-mail: office@iss-reshetnev.ru A.G. Verkhoglyad - Head of Laboratory, Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk). E-mail: verhog@tdisie.nsc.ru I.A. Nakrokhin - Designer, Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk). E-mail: 15823@mail.ru Yu.V. Chugui - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk). E-mail: chugui@tdisie.nsc.ru
A large-size antenna-s reflector working at geostationary earth orbit has an approximate diameter of 48 meters while requires develop-ment of a special extension mechanism for its telescopic tubular spoke deployment. The most important requirements are the following: weight less than seven kilograms, power consumption ( ), movement along the longitudinal axis of the spokes at a distance of more than eight meters and an axial force of at least 2000 N. The results on the development and creation of a new mechanism for link spokes telescopic extension for large-size transforming reflector are presented. The description of extension mechanism as well as the principle of its operation and testing results under industrial conditions at JSC «ISS» are given. The working principle of the special ex-tension mechanism is based on the movement of two disks along curved trajectory inside the tubular surface of stationary part of the spoke. Mechanical catching of moving parts is based matching the pins installed on disks against junctions located on the stationary part on the spoke. TDI SIE SB RAS had developed and produced the mechanism for the link spokes telescopic extension of reflector with 48 m in diameter. Such mechanism has been successfully tested at JSC «ISS». Technical characteristics and the tests results of the me-chanism for the link spokes telescopic extension of reflector and shafts in the composition of spokes demonstrate that the developed me-chanism is fully meets all requirements. The developed original mechanism for telescopic extension of reflector - link spokes and shafts is highly reliable, has a good mass-dimensional characteristics (mechanism mass is less than 7 kg). Extension mechanism implements sig-nificant efforts (the efforts of 200 kgf) in the axial direction without significant effort in the radial direction and it allows for repeatedly re-versing the movement of the links without adjustments and settings. Only single electric motor is used in the design of extension me-chanism at all stages of spokes disclosure. The created extension mechanism can be applied to any telescopic systems. It can be used as a means for various devices displacement in long (virtually unlimited length) pipelines.
Pages: 13-18


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