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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The possibility of use of isotopic exchange for radioisotopes removal from liquid radioactive wastes
A.V. Savenko - Ph. D. (Geogr.), Senior Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: alla_savenko@rambler.ru V.S. Savenko - Dr. Sc. (Geol.-Mineral.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The process of radioisotopes removal from liquid radioactive wastes as a result of isotopic exchange in the system «solution - low-solubility phase» which composition as one of the basic components includes corresponding stable chemical element was considered. It was drawn a conclusion that efficiency of isotopic exchangeable immobilization by that higher, than is more content of stable element in the solid phase, higher degree of its dispersiveness and lower value of solubility.
Pages: 74-76


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