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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The methodology of assessing effectiveness of transition from the paper-based to electronic document management system in high-technology production
electronic document management system
paper-based document flow
assessment methodology
K.I. Porsev - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA)
N.P. Esaulov - Professor, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA)
V.V. Kuznetsov - Director of Electronic Institute, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA)
At the current stage of industrial development, high-technology production is purely unthinkable without collection, processing, usage and transmission of a large volume of information, and the degree of effectiveness of these processes functioning will affect the competitive strength of the products manufactured, and the efficiency of the production in general. The main information media are documents, subdivided into electronic and paper forms of presentation. However, in spite of the ubiquitous informatization, computerization and proven obvious effectiveness of the electronic document flow, the paper-based form of the document presentation still prevails at majority of enterprises, along with the paper-based document flow. It has been found that, for the most part, it results from a large variety of particular reasons. The problem of the electronic document flow introduction and effective functioning has currently drawn attention at the highest national level, and the solution of this problem is especially urgent for the enterprises engaged in innovative or small-lot production. The typical methodology for assessment of feasibility and effectiveness of the transition from the paper-based to the electronic document management system has been developed and proposed as the initial stage for this problem solution.
The developed methodology enables involving all structural subdivisions of the enterprise considered and giving a substantiated re-sponse, whether the transition is expedient and will be effective. The methodology includes three successive stages. The first stage is the analysis of structural subdivisions of an enterprise in order to determine the extent of paper and electronic documents handling. The second stage is determining effectiveness of the transition to the electronic data management system at certain subdivisions of the enterprise, selected at the first stage, using the integral index of assessment of the effectiveness of transition at a separate subdivision considered. At that, taking into account the long-term prospects for development of separate structural subdivisions considered, and in future - of the entire enterprise - is required. The third, final stage of the methodology is assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of the transition to the electronic document management system of the entire enterprise considered, using the integral index of assessment of the transition effectiveness at a separate subdivision considered.
The developed methodology will enable assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of an enterprise transition to the electronic document management system, involving different subdivisions of the enterprise and including the expenses required for its effective and productive functioning. The usage of the integral assessment index seems enabling assessment of the effectiveness of introducing electronic documentation and refusing paper documents. This index is universal and can be applied practically at all enterprises manufacturing high-technology products.
Pages: 61-64
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