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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Methods of solving direct and inverse problems in satellite meteorology (Theory basing). Part 1
G.I. Marchuk - Academic of RAS A.I. Chavro - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS (Moscow). E-mail: chavro@ inm.ras.ru N.V. Uvarov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Institute for Metal Physics NASU (Ukraine). E-mail: uvarov@gmail.com A.A. Sokolov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Laboratorie de Physico-Chimie de I - Atmosphere (LPCA, ULCO) (France). E-mail: msaa@mail.ru
The number of used narrow-band spectral channels increased in satellites instruments to hundreds and even thousands, due to resent developments of technologies satellite meteorology. They are measuring radiation in wide area of ranges: from ultra-violet to distant infra-red. The comparison of various approaches for selection of the most «informative» channels represents a certain scientific and practical interest. In our work the techniques an optimum of choice are considered for spectral channels with the fixed and variable widths. Practically all known methods of the solution of inverse problems of satellite meteorology use certain a-priori information on required parameters. For the variety of methods the statistical information is available for vectors of restored parameters, such as noise characteristics of the satellite radiometer. The following methods of the optimal planning were employed for a remote sensing satellites experiments: DRM(analysis of Data resolution Matrix), Jacobians, Iterations(selection of the satellite channels is defined by Entropy Reduction), pseudo channel technique (spectral channel with variable width - based on maximizing determinant of Fisher-s information matrix). For the solving inverse problem the method of the best linear linear estimate and variational technique were used. The proposed technique was employed for remote sensing of atmosphere and surface parameters.
Pages: 56-66


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