350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Structural mathematical model of process of information transfer at the 3rd (network) level of package radio networks of the systems of data transmission in the conditions of radio-electronic fight and information antagonism at influence by means of the false or taken package radio sets
I.I. Snytkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Academic of RAS, Краснодарское высшее военное училище E-mail: timursnytkin@gmail.com N.N. Enin - Post-graduate Student, Краснодарское высшее военное училище E-mail: ok23vas@mail.ru T.I. Snytkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 27 CRI of DoD RF (Moscow) E-mail: djammell@mail.ru A.A. Balyuk - Post-graduate Student, Краснодарское высшее военное училище E-mail: alexbaluk1987@yandex.ru
Impact on the 3rd (network) level of transport system of package radio networks of systems of data transmission perhaps not only by means of the relayed hindrances (that is carried out by stations of hindrances), but also by means of the false or taken package radio sets that is defined by ability of the analyst to open reserve and to overcome an imitostoykost of the 3rd (network) level and by that to generate false packages in a network. This work is devoted to development of model of process of information transfer at the 3rd (network) level of transport system at in-fluence by means of the false or taken package radio sets. The generalized mathematical models of an assessment of reserve and imitostoykost of the 3rd (network) level are given. The structural mathematical model of process of information transfer at influence by means of the false or taken package radio sets is developed, and also the general principles of construction and an assessment of efficiency of dynamic adaptive protocols of the 3rd (network) level of transport system of package radio networks of systems of data transmission.
Pages: 33-41


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