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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Moscow megapolis on adaptive reactions of students of PFUR from Latin America
A.A. Kirichuk - Ph. D. (Agricult.), Associate Professor, Ecologigal Faculty, RUDN Univercity (Moscow) E-mail: a.kirichuk@mail.ru A.Ya. Chizhov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Ecologigal Faculty, RUDN Univercity (Moscow); General Director of «Mountain Air XXI Century» E-mail: ma21@mail.ru
Students from Latin America, who came to study at the Moscow megapolis, are influenced by a whole range of adaptation factors: the change of climate and time zones, changing socio-psychological conditions, changes in the composition of food and water consumption of products, increased mental stress. Arriving to school students also are exposed to negative anthropogenic environmental factors megalopolis chemical contamination (dioxin, carbon oxides, nitrites, nitrates, nitrogen dioxide, phenol, formaldehyde, heavy metals, etc.) and physical pollution (noise, vibration, electromagnetic and radiation fields). In study involved 396 healthy students (male and female) between the ages of 18 to 22 years, including 111 students from Latin America, 141 students from Moscow and 144 students from different regions of Russia. To determine the nature of adaptive reactions of students when the wind blows Inves-organism used method L.H. Garkavi et al. The data obtained as a result of our research show that in the group of students from Moscow, as well as in a group of students from the regions of Russia, noted the same number of students with unfavorable adaptation reactions - chronic stress (HS) and reactivation reaction (RR), which were recorded at 4,9±1,8% and 6,3±2,0%, respectively (P ≤ 0,05). Acute stress (AS) students from Moscow, and students from various regions of Russia has not been identified, and students from Latin America AS was observed at the level of 2,7±1,5%. It is also necessary to note the high percentage of reactivation reaction students Latinos who like stress, is a non-specific basis for many pathologies. Almost every third student from Latin America had adverse reactions adaptation (AS, HS, RR) 31,8±4,4% (p ≤ 0,01), this fact may lead to the disruption of the mechanisms of adaptation and development of various types of pathologies, which in turn could adversely affect the learning process. Thus, the data obtained as a result of the study allow time to identify the nature of adaptive reactions, and identify a set of measures aimed at enhancing the adaptive capacity of students who came to study at the Moscow megapolis from Latin America.
Pages: 72-76


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