350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
New key established algorithms for symmetric key cryptosystems
Hoang Van Viet - Master of Engineering, researcher, Le Quy Don Technical University E-mail: viethv76@gmail.com Bui The Truyen - Dr.Sc., teacher, Le Quy Don Technical University E-mail: buithetruyen@gmail.com Tong Minh Duc - Dr.Sc., teacher, Le Quy Don Technical University E-mail: tmduc08@gmail.com Luu Hong Dung - Dr.Sc., teacher, Le Quy Don Technical University E-mail: luuhongdung@gmail.com
In today-s digital world, the demand for secret information transmitted between two parties over insecure channel is more and more popular. This paper proposed two new key established algorithms for symmetric key cryptosystems. The most advantage of the two new algorithms is the secret key is established requires only a single round of transportation. Moreover, the secret key can be authenticated the origin so it can effectively resistant to spoofing attacks. The article also presents the analysis and assessment of the security level of the new proposed algorithms, indicating its potential application in practice is very positive.
Pages: 13-18


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