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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Estimates of the energy of elastic waves generated by irradiation of stainless steel by 2 GeV calcium, zirconium, barium and gold ions
S.A. Kuznetsov - Post-graduate Student, MATI - Russian State Technological University (Moscow). E-mail: kuznetsov_s_a@mail.ru
N.N. Beklemishev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department of physics, MATI - Russian State Tech-nological University (Moscow). E-mail: nnbeklem@mati.ru
N.V. Kalenova - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Head of Department of physics, MATI - Russian State Technological University (Moscow). E-mail: perepljuika@bk.ru
The work is devoted to estimate the share of the phonons in the process of relaxation of the energy of ionizing radiation. The results of numerical modeling of radiation stainless steel ions of calcium, zirconium, barium and gold with an energy of 2 GeV. The analysis of distribution mechanisms of the absorbed energy. Calculated distribution of ionization and elastic energy losses, the spatial distribution of vacancies caused by radiation. The energy of elastic waves generated by irradiation and relaxation, its spatial distribution. The mechanisms of the generation of acoustic waves during irradiation and energy relaxation track. The dependence of the phonon energy of the mass of the ion. We compared the parameters of elastic waves generated by irradiation, and the processes responsible for the mechanical component of exposure to ionizing radiation. Also we offer a destruction criterion, that depends on the number of generated impulses and their mean energy.
Pages: 59-62
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