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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The influence offset antennas phase centers on the accuracy coordinates determination in aircraft landing radio navigation systems on the deck of the ship
D.V. Kishko - Post-graduate Student, Department 402, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: dvkishko@gmail.com
The article shows short overview of aircraft landing system on the ships deck. Modern pseudolite navigation systems as a promising means of providing automatic landing aircraft is considered in the article. Analysis of influence of variation antennas phase centers on the accuracy by determination of aircrafts coordinates in far zone pseudolite navigation systems is presented. It is shown error of coordinates determination is increased 5 times by the displacement of the phase center of the antenna on 5 cm compared with the case where the true coordinates of the phase centers of the antennas is known. Modern methods of topographic connection allow to de-termine antennas phase centers coordinates with errors of less than 1 cm.
Pages: 31-35


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