350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Heatsink pin macro model for the cooling systems onboard electronic systems of small aircraft
A.V. Starenchenko - Post-graduate Student, Department 404, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: defol27@gmail.ru M.N. Ushkar - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department 404, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: ushkar@mai.ru
The paper considers the heatsink pin macro model for the cooling systems onboard electronic systems (ES) of small aircraft. To obtain macro models were used the theory of experimental design and regression analysis. The main result is the heatsink pin macro model, as a function of its heat transfer coefficient from the design parameters. The article following tasks: unsubstantiated profile shape ribs made correlation analysis, which allowed us to determine the parameters of the radiator pin most influence on the heat transfer coefficient, a plan of the experiment, obtained the regression model provides the possibility of finding the maximum heat transfer coefficient under given constraints. In contrast to the well-known works in the field of thermal simulation, this article differs integrated approach, which involves a joint study of the geometric parameters of the pin heat sink significantly affect the value of the coefficient of heat transfer. The field of application of the results is the cooling system of instruments and devices of small aircraft.
Pages: 26-30


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