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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Ways of equipment protection for users of satellite radio navigation systems from deliberate interference
satellite radionavigation system
user equipment
noise interference
E.A. Kamnev - Post-graduate Student, Department 405, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: ekam91@yandex.ru
V.N. Yudin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department 405, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: vn_yudin@mail.ru
Satellite navigation systems are widely used in a variety of civilian and military applications. There are specific requirements for the op-eration of user equipment of satellite radionavigation systems in conditions of jamming. The article provides a classification of jamming to user equipment of satellite radionavigation systems. Jamming can be divided into four main groups: noise, blinding, spoofing (meacon-ing) and distorting. Finally, authors provide an overview of existing ways to protect user equipment from jamming of various kinds.
Pages: 13-25
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