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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The directivity function and discriminatory characteristics of the finders of localized objects based on the radar with ultrashort pulses
V.K. Khokhlov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Autonomous information and operating systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: valerykhokhlov@mail.ru A.K. Likhoedenko - Laboratory Assistant, Department «Autonomous information and operating systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Student, MIEM HSE. E-mail: kost21v@rambler.ru
The article explores the functions of orientation and discriminatory features of dual-channel radar direction finders with ultrashort pulses designed for localization and tracking of localized objects against the background of distributed interference in near-field locations. The problem is considered in relation to the mini-radars radiating periodic ultrashort pulses with a high repetition rate, the duration of less than 1 ns and with a shape of the first derivative of Gaussian function. Ultrashort pulses are considered to have a relative bandwidth of the emitted signal equal to one. The average frequency in the signal spectrum is around 1.6 GHz. The radar direction finder that consists of one emitting and two receiving modules that are synchronized with spaced receiving antennas, correlation signal path processing and a modified discriminator is examined. It is assumed that the amplitude centers of the antennas coincide, and the phase centers are spaced. With the assumptions made that are valid for short-range location systems, the mathematical expressions for the normalized cross-correlation functions of in-phase and quadrature signals from the outputs of the receiving modules and the mathematical expression for discriminatory features. The cross-correlation functions phase signals to form function of orientation of correlation finder, and discriminatory features characterize the modified discriminator. The article explores the functions of orientation and discriminatory features of two-channel correlation direction finders with ultrashort pulses at various ratio of distances between the phase centers of receiving antennas to the average wavelength of the emitted ultrashort pulses, corresponding to the average frequency of the energy spectrum of the signal, and at various signal/noise ratio at the input of the direction finder. The proposed principle of construction of the finder of localized foreground objects against the background of distributed interference and the results can be used to construct direction finders to evaluate the viewing angles and track localized objects in the radar direction finders with ultrashort pulses.
Pages: 36-42


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