350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Model of the thermocasing applied to videocameras, located near to the thermoloaded elements of rockets
D.I. Klimov - Post-graduate Student, Research Engineer, Open Society «Russian space systems». E-mail: mitguitar@yandex.ru V.A. Blagodyryov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Sector, Open Society «Russian space systems». E-mail: tm016@rniikp.ru
Possibility of use of thermoprotection for videocameras, located near to the thermoloaded elements of rockets for tracing of thermo-conditions by means of video telemetry is considered. The thermocasing model, its key parametres and characteristics is presented. For protection of a videocamera against low (high) temperatures it is required to place it in a thermocasing - the basic protection frame of videocameras for the organisation of system of video observation. The primary goal of thermocasings is protection of videocameras against mechanical damages of environment and maintenance of working capacity of the chamber under various weather conditions and low (high) temperatures. The main parametre of a thermocasing having great value, ? a range of working temperatures, that shows, at what temperature of air the thermocasing can provide normal work of a videocamera. In a considered situation the thermocasing is supposed to execute of refractory metal, high density and not being expensive. The metal most suitable in this case is the titan. In quality thermoisolation a material it is offered to use not a fire-dangerous material with high temperature of fusion and extremely low factor of heat conductivity. Such material is stone cotton wool - the mineral cotton wool made from the melt of thrown up rocks. During work performance following results are received: 1) definitions and the concepts, concerning thermoprotection of videocameras are resulted; 2) applicable the thermocasing model is developed for thermoprotection of videocameras, located near to thermoloaded elements of rockets; 3) expressions for flying time of the rocket for selection of a thickness of a thermolayer, and also a thickness of a thermolayer for set flying time of the rocket for a basic orbit are received; 4) the example of thermoprotection of videocamera with the set diameter of a eye of an objective, a material of a lens of an objective and flying time of the rocket for a basic orbit is resulted.
Pages: 25-28


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