350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Degradation of phenolic compounds in industrial wastewater using advanced oxidation processes
L.E. Sheinkman - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Tula State University. E-mail: eliard@yandex.ru D.V. Dergunov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Engineer, Tula State University. E-mail: dmitrov83@mail.ru A.E. Chetverikova - Post-graduate Student, Tula State University. E-mail: eliard@yandex.ru
Problems of modeling processes of degradation of phenolic compounds contained in industrial waste waters under the influence of advanced oxidation processes. Phenolic compounds are among the most toxic and biologically sustainable wastewater pollutants that have on the environment of adverse effects and having a low concentration limits for discharge. Along with traditional methods of treatment of industrial waste water from the phenolic compounds (chlorination, ozonation, sorption, membrane cleaning and others.) The leading role played by advanced oxidation processes (Advanced Oxidation Processes, AOP) based on the formation of oxidizing radicals, which is caused by photochemical reactions. AOP processes aim at destroying the organic substances under the influence of oxidants and radicals which may be generated initiating influences such as UV radiation, electrical discharge, X-rays, the photo-Fenton\'s reagent (coaction FeCl3 / H2O2 / hν) and others. Based on the optimal design of experiments studied the processes that lead to a decrease in the concentration of phenolic compounds contained in industrial waste waters (for example, Bisphenol-A, BPA) under the influence of advanced oxidation processes (AOP). Applied AOP technology is based on the combined action of phenol per molecule of the pollutant in the aquatic environment of hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride (III) and ultraviolet radiation (H2O2/ Fe2+/ hν). Using the method of least squares, singular value decomposition and regularization in the Statistica software environments and MathCad identified mathematical models of degradation of phenolic compounds in the aquatic environment. Degradation model is an exponential dependence relationship reflecting a residual concentration level of a phenolic pollutant at t purification process the process parameters - initial contaminant concentration, hydrogen peroxide concentration, the concentration of iron chloride (III), the time of UV irradiation. Mathematical models are statistically significant and have a high degree of adequacy of the experimental results. The significance of the models was evaluated using the criteria of determination (R2), Fisher (F), Student (t-test). The identified model degradation of phenolic compounds based on AOP technology and the law of mass action aimed at improving wastewater treatment technology using hydroxyl radicals and reducing anthropogenic load of industrial waste water on the environment.
Pages: 62-69


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