350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The probability of increasing performance teams for software development analysis when using an object-oriented database management system which is based on the collections of related entities
A.E. Potapov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: potapov-ae@mail.ru D.V. Manukhina - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. Е-mail: dmanuhina@gmail.com D.G. Nikolaev - Student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. Е-mail: rkpvteh@mail.ru
The database is a collection of data organized in accordance with the certain rules, covering the general principles of description, storage and manipulation of data, it is independent of applications. The database management system (DBMS) is a complex of the software and linguistic means with general or special purposes, needed for control of the creation, maintenance and multi-user sharing of the databases as the resources for the search of information limited by criteria of specific tasks. The relational approach of DBMS organization supposes the presence of the set of interconnected relations (two-dimensional tables). In this case, relationship is the association of two or more relations (tables). The emergence of the object databases was determined by the necessity to solve the issues connected with the processing and storage of complex multiply connected data. Unlike the relational databases, the object-oriented DBMS do not store information in the form of related tables, but in the form of objects with the certain properties and functional interface. As for the designed system, these objects are combined into the strongly typified collections, the set of which organize some databases. What concerns the relationships between tables, they are set up using foreign keys in the relational databases, but for OODBMS there is no need to use such a tool. It is replaced by some defined by DBMS user type composition (inclusion of the collection of types), in properties of another composite type. The collections have the functionality as well and they are themselves a universal container type. They contain standard basic operations for interaction with the database: adding of new objects to collection, search by collection taking into consideration specified criteria, object characteristics updating and their removal from the collection, and other well-known operations such as queries from several collections and results selection among disjoint sets. The time spending by the software development team to create the final product is a quite valuable resource. The program code may be divided into a logic code and infrastructure one. Ideally, the expenses of the development team for creation and maintenance of the infrastructure code should be minimized as much as possible. The object-relational mapping (ORM) libraries are used for program systems using relational DBMS as a tool providing conformity be-tween terms of relational database theory and terms of object-oriented programming. This approach allows to minimize the necessity of SQL instructions introduction into any spaces of program code. As it was mentioned above, the most significant disadvantage of this approach is the probability of decreasing speed of data accessing code execution. In the case of providing data access using developing OODBMS, the use of software add-ons, such as ORM, is unnecessary. The theoretical basis both for the classes of business logic application and for the database is one and the same - an object-oriented one. In addition, it should be noted that the development team does not need to document the model of problem domain in different variations. This model structure is single in designing of all application architecture layers and can be described by UML-diagrams. In case of no need to monitor 2 parallel structural-organizational schemes team employees creating an application can maximally focus on the modeling of possible situations and relationships of knowledge domain.
Pages: 10-15


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