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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Numerical modeling of detonation in view of secondary energy release
A.D. Nikitin - Post-graduate Student, Department of physics, Russian State Technological University. E-mail: nikitinmsu@mail.ru
I.S. Nikitin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of physics, Russian State Technological University; Leading Research Scientist, ICAD RAS. E-mail: i_nikitin@list.ru
The paper deals with the physical and mathematical modeling of detonation of aluminized explosives with the secondary energy release. The kinetics of the interaction between aluminum from explosion products with the free oxygen in the air is investigated.
It is assumed that the combustion of the aluminum occurs in several stages which differ by timescales of combustion as with the de-tonation products, and with the free oxygen. It is believed that particles of aluminum almost do not react with the detonation products in the detonation wave. At the next step, the explosion products are expanded without free oxygen.
At the last stage, products of explosion are mixed with air and combustion of the particles and oxidized products of detonation occurs. Characteristic times of the aluminum afterburning with air oxygen depend on its location at the initial time in the charge. The effect of the shell rate growth and plate rate decreasing is simulated by variation of the additional energy release time in the different layers. This effect is experimentally observed. The proposed model of the aluminum afterburning in the detonation products and in the air oxygen makes it possible to get results of the numerical calculation coinciding with experiment.
Pages: 5-9
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