350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Development of design and technology of the plant SCHО 10 EET for waste destruction coolants and organohalogen compounds by supercritical hydrothermal oxidation
M.V. Astakhov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department FN5-KF «Applied Mechanics», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: mvastahov@gmail.com Y.А. Mazalov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Innovation Center of environmentally safe efficient technologies FSSI SRI. E-mail: yumazalov@nm.ru L.V. Astakhovа - Senior Lecturer, Department FN2-KF «Industrial Ecology», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: mvastahov@gmail.com E.S. Zuev - Senior Lecturer, Department FN5-KF «Applied Mechanics», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: jeki-kaluga@mail.ru
The big problem in protecting the environment is the disposal of used cutting fluids (coolant) and halogenated organic compounds in not unfolded form, and as part of the wastewater of different origin. Existing methods of neutralization (thermal, physical, thermal and biological) do not meet modern requirements for quality product water. Complex technology coolant expansion technically very complex and can secondarily contaminate the environment objects. In this paper we propose a highly efficient, Ecologically-safe technology destruction by supercritical hydrothermal oxidation (SCHО) different types of coolant, as well as waste and waste I−III Hazard Class organohalogen compounds, including persistent organic pol-lutants, including pesticides. The method is based on the use of the unique properties of water when its supercritical temperature and pressure (temperature 500-600°C, pressure - 23-27 MPa). The primary oxidizing pollutants are diluted oxygen in air or hydrogen peroxide. On the basis of this expansion process and a facility SCHО-10-EET (SuperCritical Hydrothermal Oxidation-10-Ecologically-safe Energy-efficient Technology), which utilizes the above mentioned harmful substances from the processing degree of not less than 99,9%. As a result, processes and sewage waste treatment gas mixture is obtained and the solid precipitate. In the gas-vapor mixtures are: water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Combined-cycle fraction condenses. Solid fraction is a suspension of oxides, salts of inorganic elements (5−10% by weight of feedstock). Supercritical water achieved in special vessels-reactors, representing thick shell made of steel 10H17N13M2T whose geometry is ob-tained by calculating the strength of using finite element models on the PC. Since the installation of the SCHО-10-EET incorporates electric motors, pumps of various types, receivers, other equipment, which are mounted on a special frame required further transported to move this installation, engineered calculations include the study of strain state and vibration impacts. Trial operation of the installation on different types of treated contaminants led to the conclusion that the proposed treatment technology and the installation itself is very effective in killing considered contaminants.
Pages: 69-76


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