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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Experimental investigation of self-synchronization of three millimeter magnetrons
S.F. Boyev - Dr. Sc. (Econ.), General Director, CJSC RTI A.I. Vagin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy Director, CJSC RTI-RADIO. E-mail: vaguine@inbox.ru I.M. Ivanov - Leading Engineer, JSC PLUTON N.I. Skripkin - Head of Department, JSC PLUTON K.V. Khodataev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Area Manager, CJSC RTI-RADIO. E-mail: k.v.khodataev@gmail.com
Earlier experimental works on synchronization magnetrons of centimeter and 8-mm range demonstrated the ability to create effective devices for coherent addition powers of magnetron generators. The active assimilation of 3-mm range requires performing experimental investigations of synchronization and power adding with regard to specific features of this range. These features should include reduction of electric strength of waveguide devices due to the reduction of geometrical dimensions (the maximum power when using a standard section of 2,4×1,2 mm is limited by the level of about 15 kW), increase of losses at the transmission microwave signals on waveguides (about 3 dB/m), specific features of operating magnetrons at the top of type of spatial harmonics and a relatively large variation in the natural generation frequency from one magnetron to another, as a consequence of the impact of manufacturing accuracy at extremely small geometric dimensions of the interaction space. In addition, pulsed operation modes of such magnetrons (50 to 200 ns) create the additional requirements to high-voltage power supply of magnetrons. The transients play a special role at «synchronous» inclusion of several generators thus involving additional requirements to the duration of the areas of the supply voltage and the reflection coefficients of synchronizing devices. In some cases these problems lead to the need to change over to quasi-optical signal processing. This article presents the preliminary results of the development of the experimental installation for investigations the self-synchronization of magnetron generators.
Pages: 38-44


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