350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Optimal image restoration in the system of radiovision aerospace based in telescopic mode
A.V. Korennoy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: korennoj@mail.ru S.A. Lepeshkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department, Mozhaisky Space Force Academy (Saint Petersburg). E-mail: lepeshkins@mail.ru A.P. Kadochnikov - Post-graduate Student, Mozhaisky Space Force Academy (Saint Petersburg). E-mail: kado162@mail.ru
The article telescopic mode of aerospace-based system of radiovision. It is shown possibility of solving the problem of radar imaging in telescopic mode using scientific and methodological apparatus of optimal restoration of random fields in discrete time, and the sampling interval of time will be the duration of the interval synthetic aperture. General imaging algorithm for the telescopic mode of the earth-s surface review are synthesized. Expressions are obtained for the evaluation of the random field of radar data and the correlation function restoration error of radar imaging. Developed block diagram of the device, implements general image formation algorithm for the telescopic mode, explain the principles of its operation. The analysis of the performance of the synthesized algorithm on the example of solving the problem of imaging a fixed time-line of aerospace-based system of radiovision in telescopic mode. It is found that increasing observation time (increasing the number of processing steps), the quality of the restoration line of the image increases, i.e. the normalized cumulative dispersion of the reconstruction error tend to zero. The length of the distribution of uncertainty in spatial coordinates decreases, which leads to the conclusion increasing resolution radar of the earth-s surface.
Pages: 80-84


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