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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Options of creation of the goniometric navigation equipment of the consumer as a part of NIS-CCD
I.N. Sushkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: isushkin@sfu-kras.ru
Recently high precision requirements of definition of spatial orientation of object at creation of the goniometric navigation equipment of the consumer are imposed. Measurement of spatial orientation requires the three-antenna interferometer at increase in number of antennas also the accuracy of goniometric definitions increases. In article options of creation of the high-precision goniometric navigation equipment of the consumer of GLONASS/GPS are considered. Examples of creation of the navigation equipment with six antenna modules which allows to reduce a systematic component of an error caused by unevenness of group time of delay in a strip of frequencies are shown. Use of the satellite radio navigational equipment of the consumer as a part of the navigation information monitoring system of carrying out maneuvers of artillery divisions allows to ensure safety when carrying out doctrines, and also in the territory of military unit of doctrines without application of fighting firing practice will increase combat training due to carrying out. However structurally it isn\'t always possible to place 6-element antenna system on artillery object, from this point of view sometimes expediently application of an antenna post with a monoblock which turns on four antenna modules and two carried antennas. The offered option of creation of the goniometric navigation equipment of the consumer on artillery object with an antenna monoblock and additional antenna modules allowing forming the correcting information, thus an additional antenna platform settles down on a horizontal surface.
Pages: 77-81


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