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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Solid state memory modules for on-board equipment of small satellites
O.V. Nepomnyaschy - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Computer Science Department, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: 2955005@gmail.com A.S. Pravitel - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Computer Science Department, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: alexsp@inbox.ru N.A. Mambetaliev - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: nurbek.it@gmail.com A.A. Komarov - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Computer Science Department, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: komarovalal@gmail.com
Embedded memory modules are part of the special electronic equipment that designed for the needs of the aerospace industry, are exposed to destabilizing factors of space (DFOS). The greatest negative impact of DFOS is observed under the influence of ionizing radiation (IR). There are many of approaches used to improve the reliability of ICs that are operating in the space environment. For example, tech-nology design, circuit design and design solutions. However, increasing complexity of designing and growing demands for unification electronic equipment causes the development of new methods of design and architectural organization of mass storage devices for applications with a sufficient level of protection against DFOS. The development of memory modules with high performance, low power consumption and with a slight increase the occupied area of the crystal for provide adequate radiation resistance is requires. Solution can be found in the application of commercial NAND Flash memory with the original, resistant controller, which provides SEC-DED-DAEC coding error recovery and control of bad blocks. The body of storage device is made of a homogeneous metal. NAND Flash memory provides the maximum amount of memory with minimum weight and size, low power consumption and cost, that enough to low flight ICA. Resistance to DFOS provided by a complex action that implemented in hardware, through a specialized controller implemented as a resistant VLSI with protective shield. As a result of the research, a solution for the problem of architectural organization NAND Flash controller with error detection and correction is suggested. In addition, the proposed approach allows implementing a memory capacity more than 100 GB with adequate level of counteraction against DFOS.
Pages: 71-76


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