350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Simulation model of the flow of requests on the transfer of personnel in information and computer networks
V.L. Tamp, N.V. Tamp
In the article the problem of increasing the number of network attacks with a simultaneous reduction in the efficiency of detection by existing approaches is presented. The problem is solved on the base of the research of dynamic characteristics of information-processing networks. The authors described the algorithm of the simulation model, allowing us to form a stream of requests for the transmission of frames in a temporary detention center, based on the classic model of threads used in queueing theory, based on an exponential distribution. The model is intended to explore possible ways to improve the information security of computer networks. This enables studies of in-formation-processing networks for different situations that arise in the process of network attacks. This algorithm makes possible the formation of the network traffic with specified characteristics.
Pages: 86-90


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