350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Spatial polarization processing of radio signals during location of a radio source from an unmanned aerial vehicle
S.V. Bogdanovsky, A.N. Simonov, S.F. Teslevich, Z.F. Shaidulin
Currently, there is a steadily growing interest from leading scientific and production organizations to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as the rapidly developing sphere of aviation technology. The use of UAV as a platform for deploying means of radio monitoring is one of the most significant perspectives. However, this causes a number of problems. In order to solve these problems, advanced methods of signal processing, allowing estimation of spatial-polarization parameters in difficult conditions of signal-jamming environment, are proposed. The mathematical apparatus of quaternions is proposed for signal processing during radio monitoring with the use of UAV and for an accounting of electromagnetic wave spatial and polarization parameters, which are azimuth, angle of elevation, source distance, tilt angle of polarization ellipse, ratio of its semiaxes and direction of electric field vector rotation. The results of adaptation of mathematical apparatus of quaternions to solve the problem of estimating electromagnetic wave spatial and polarization parameters are mathematical expressions taking account of UAV space orientation and positional relationship of the radio signal source and the unmanned aerial vehicle in space.
Pages: 50-55


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