350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Application of the parity check equations for detecting continuous rarefied correcting codes
A.Е. Zhulyov, A.P. Ratushin, Е.V. Rachinsky
Continuous rarefied codes (CRC) are one of the modern methods of correcting encoding. As a result of examining the principle of CRC structure it\'s been found that the code can be directly presented through parity check equations which are convolutions of coded sequence symbols and code syndrome former coefficients. The parity check equations are represented as symbol transition graph that is useful for a number of practical applications. The graph consists of vertices corresponding to coded sequence symbols, and edges connecting them according to the parity check equations. It was demonstrated that parity check equations may be used for detecting CRC, that leads to formation of options examining algorithms with small sample size required and high noise immunity.
Pages: 5-8


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