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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Development of a modal control method for invariant systems with estimator
A.V. Osina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Management and Informatics, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail: lakaza@inbox.ru
Vu An Khien - Post-graduate Student, Department of Management and Informatics, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail: va_hien@yahoo.com
T.V. Yagodkina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Informatics, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail: dembskaya@mail.ru
The paper proposes a designing method for modal controller with estimator and compensating disturbances. This method can apply for models, which have unknown orders and parameters.
In the study of method synthesis modal controller for discrete model, calculation methodology was supplemented with a partial state vector, which is formulated in this paper for the discrete models and realized in the form of software.
Methods of modal synthesis of linear multivariable systems with estimator were improved by authors in [3], as well as solve the problem of increasing the accuracy of systems by compensating for disturbances in dynamic and static modes.
In this paper authors consider the next step to develop method - providing invariance with respect to the measured dis-turbance in the modal control. It is proposed to restore the discrete order of compensation for model identification.
Authors also suggest an algorithm named: Parameter Correction Method (PCM) to simplify calculations.
To present the advantages of the PCM, it was compared with the traditional method for the synthesis of stable filters - fac-torization. Factorization means that obtaining stable order by discarding unstable poles and zeros.
To facilitate the identification, the System Identification Toolbox (software package in MATLAB) was used.
Invariant system based on 3 rd order system with two inputs was modeled with a modal controller, as well as on the basis of a complex two-channel iterative system.
As a result, value ω0 was recommended for complex systems - the parameter is selected from those considerations, such that control time of synthesized system in comparison with initial system is not less than half.
Thus, as a result of proposed method of synthesis of invariant modal control systems with estimator, the main advantage is that, it is applicable to a wide class of linear multivariable systems. Method can be used to compensate for effect of dis-turbance in static and dynamic mode, while control is performed based on the signals received from the object model, that is, without interfering with the system diagram.
Pages: 21-27
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