350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Thermal technologies at production of three-dimensional electronic devices
A.A. Kondrashin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Department RTN, MATI. E-mail: сondrashin@rambler.ru A.N. Lyamin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department RTN, MATI V.V. Sleptsov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.) , Professor, Department RTN, MATI D.V. Makhno - Master Student, Department RTN, MATI
Article is devoted to definition of the main ways of development of manufacturing techniques of modern TEU. Technologies of thermal impact on constructional material before process of formation of a layer of the detail(with the subsequent transfer of fusion (FDM and jet dispersion of plastic, metal, wax materials) and in the course of formation of a layer of the detail (LOM, UAM, SHS, SLS, LENS, EBM, EBF3 and 3DP), TEU allowing manufacture of cases of mobile phones, transistors, photonics products (lasers, optrons, etc.), are considered. Their main characteristics are defined: range of thickness of the applied materials, the maximum permission of images (X and Y, dpi) and productivity. The comparative analysis of thermal additive technologies is carried out from the point of view of their application for technologies of formation of TEU. It is shown that the most perspective technologies are LENS and MJM. Other technologies of receiving 3D objects possess a number of essential shortcomings. For example, technologies of pasting, agglomeration (3DP, SLS, etc.) and thermal treatment (DODJet, etc.) do not allow one to receive a product with the demanded quality of a surface or the demanded accuracy.
Pages: 34-47


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