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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Concept of services deployment in the corporate data centers
I.V. Poturemskiy - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of IT Department, JSC «Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems», Zheleznogorsk. E-mail: oris@iss-reshetnev.ru
D.A. Borodavkin - Team Leader in IT Department, JSC «Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems», Zheleznogorsk. E-mail: db@iss-reshetnev.ru
Nowadays almost all large enterprises have their own corporate data centers. The aim of corporate data center is to ensure reliable operation of information services (hardware reliability through redundancy, fault-tolerant architecture of software systems, information security), and also to solve the information resources consolidation problem in terms of the business process. Fault tolerance and improving the quality of service require investments that minimize the risks of failure and increase the availability characteristics of the service. In order to optimize the financial costs, it is necessary to rank services according to their level of criticality with respect to business needs and ensure quality of service according to its criticality. The article presents the concept of the organization of information services in the data center, which allows to not only evaluate them, but also offers an approach, which defines optimized operation policy for each service. Concept proposed a scheme of service separation and isolation in two global functional areas: production zone (for the business critical services) and zone for testing and development. In the area of «production zone» services are divided into critical (criterion: the service downtime leads to business downtime) and secondary (criterion: failure is not followed by business downtime). For each of the areas the technical aspects of quality assurance services are discussed. The stages of service deployment are discussed, considered the documentation produced at each stage. Stages of service deployment is «Planning and coordination», «Test deployment», «Validation and optimization», «Putting into operation».
Pages: 24-28

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