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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Phase measurement in angle measuring equipment GLONASS / GPS without the permission of ambiguities
Yu.L. Fateev - Dr. Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian federal university (SFU), Professor of Military Engineering Institute, Krasnoyarsk. E-mail: fateev_yury@inbox.ru
D.D. Dmitriev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Siberian federal university (SFU), Associate Professor of Military Engineering Institute, Krasnoyarsk. E-mail: dmitriev121074@mail.ru
V.N. Tyapkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian federal university (SFU), Professor of Military Engineering Institute, Krasnoyarsk. E-mail: tyapkin58@mail.ru
N.S. Kremez - Senior Lecturer, Siberian federal university (SFU). E-mail: NKremez@sfu-kras.ru
To measure the spatial orientation of the signals of GLONASS / GPS navigation receiver antenna system is an interferometer consisting of three antennas. Spatial orientation of an object is determined by the path difference signals from navigation satellites between the antennas. The main problem in creating angle measuring navigational equipment is to resolve of phase ambiguity. Resolution of phase ambiguity - not a trivial task, you actually have to determine the number of integer cycles the measured phase shift, which is a small part of the difference in the path to the same distorted noise. Resolve the phase ambiguity can be due to redundancy of measurement signals, for example, when measuring signals over six navigation satellites. In this case, there is a threshold effect - to the achievement of a certain level of error in measurement of of phase ambiguity resolution becomes impossible. In dense urban areas, in rugged terrain where there are intense of multipath, as well as in complex electromagnetic environment can be cases where ambiguities can not resolve, and the measurement of coordinates no failures. Furthermore, to resolve of phase ambiguity it is necessary a priori information about the configuration of the antenna system (base length and the angle between them). In these cases it is necessary to use methods for determining spatial orientation without the permission of of phase ambiguity. Methods without the permission of of phase ambiguity use measurements at different times, it is assumed that due to the continuity of the phase measurements integer phase ambiguity does not change with time. The increment of the path difference signals from navigation satellites has two components:  Increment the path difference due to change the location of navigation satellites and the object,  Due to the wavelength change of the received signals. The wavelength due to the Doppler shift remains practically unchanged, so that the second component can be neglected. The first component comprises a phase shift increment does not contain of phase ambiguity. Thus, accounting for the time difference equations can eliminate the phase ambiguities. Furthermore, difference equations constituting no systematic error of measurement of phase shifts. Thus, the application of the proposed method allows to determine the spatial orientation of rotating objects using odnobazovogo interferometer, as well as to calibrate the antenna system with a priori unknown configuration. Calibration is also required when using more complex antenna systems such as phased arrays, or in the case of the construction of anti-jamming navigation receivers capable of measuring spatial orientation.
Pages: 16-19

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