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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Ways of maintenance of quality of domestic componental base
A.V. Vlasko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Development Director, «ERGA», Kaluga. E-mail: a_vlasko@mail.ru
V.V. Domozhir - Ph.D. (Ec.), General Manager, Ministry of Education and Science, Kaluga Region. E-mail: domogir@adm.kaluga.ru
S.М. Zhdanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Kaluga State of Russian Agriculture University. E-mail: fn2kf@list.ru
S.A. Loskutov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch. E-mail: Loskutov@bmstu-kaluga.ru
V.O. Fedorov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch. E-mail: wquolz@mail.ru
Against the backdrop of a slowdown in the domestic economy in 2013 Kaluga region has a steady growth rate of industrial production. Analysis of the causes of failures in the space industry experts gave grounds to conclude that the domestic industry has come a personnel crisis: for professionals already in his seventies, young scientists and engineers have yet to lack of experience, and the middle generation - lost to science and industry. Rectifying this situation, according to experts, will require about 10 years of age. However, there are other, fundamental solutions that are implemented at the regional level. An example of this is the new holding company, JSC «Voshod»-KRLZ. After the modernization of JSC «Voshod»-KRLZ, operating more than 60 years, labor productivity is growing in it (at the end of the 1st half of 2013. It is higher by 18% compared to the same period in 2012.), it is environmentally safe production, and its activity does not bring significant pollution to the environment. The structure of innovative electronics holding company of JSC «Voshod»-KRLZ included several firms that manufacture ECB. This is a new kind of enterprise, they can also develop creative technologies. Industrial participants 'cellular' structure of the organization of production, the concentration of them at the site of JSC «Voshod»-KRLZ not lose not only their independence, while remaining independent joint-stock companies, but their primary type of activity, having received clear benefits on energy supply, marketing and sales. The key in the above electronic structure of the holding are NIC and NOC started with KF Bauman University. In ensuring the safety and quality of national significance ECB has a clear structure of innovative design and functioning of the holding, the high purity of the raw materials and strict observance of technological modes of production of new ECB, the application in practice of the basic factors greening of radioelectronic production, preserving the health of the labor of key personnel. Scientific innovation and research and education centers by types of businesses and leading universities, in this case, and are the engines of modernization in the new holding company.
Pages: 59-65

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