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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Quality management system of a testing laboratory that performs certification tests
M.S. Afanasiev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, MGTU MIREA
S.I. Grodzenski - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MGTU MIREA
P.V. Grudzinski - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
A.V. Kirov - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
P.G. Tretyakov - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
S.I. Grodzenski - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MGTU MIREA
P.V. Grudzinski - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
A.V. Kirov - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
P.G. Tretyakov - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
In the literature, much attention is paid to general issues of marketing activity, while it is not considered the allocation of duties among the performers. Primary attention is focused on economic component, rather than improving the quality of work and the rational time allocation and personnel responsibilities.
The cross-functional algorithm for performing certification tests which take into account the functions of all parties concerned is analyzed in this article.The development objective of the algorithm is clear allocation of duties among concerned parties.
One of the main determining factors of the testing laboratory is technical staff competency, including necessary knowledge of the documents requirements on standardization.
Strict account of all technical specifications formation affecting factors, as well as regimented organization of work process will provide rational allocation of rights and obligations of the parties at organization technical specification and staff distribution. This will have a serious impact on achieving maximizing economic efficiency and high quality of work.
Pages: 40-43
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