350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Industrial and scientific-and-research enterprises information support system for EDB products quality assurance at all their life cycle stages
N.P. Esaulov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MGTU MIREA. E-mail: esaulov@mirea.ru
P.V. Filatkin - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA, Head of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Centre «Rosoboronstandart». E-mail: pav7209@yandex.ru
A.V. Chernov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, MGTU MIREA. E-mail: idasus@mail.ru
P.G. Tretyakov - Post-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA
One of the key components of a complex product quality control system for industrial and scientific-and-research enterprises is the information support system. Its main role is to provide departments (services); enterprise manages with necessary, enough and timely information about the product quality in order to develop some control actions aimed at ensuring a certain level of quality as well as the product reliability. There is a need for the information system based on new information technologies, allowing timely to provide all enterprise interested management bodies with all necessary and sufficient information for preparation, study and rational decision-making to ensure that enterprises and organizations function and integrate effectively. This kind of information system should cover all levels of management and production: enterprises, scientific-and-research organizations. To perform the tasks set the enterprise information complex with a high-performance computing center based on the powerful file-server as its integral part is being realized. The modern stage of scientific - and- technical development is impossible without wide implementation and use of computer technology in production. The greatest effect from computer engineering adoption can be achieved through the integrated end-to-end automation of the entire «research-and - production» cycle, which results in the integrated industrial complex creation. The solution to this problem involves, in particular, complex automation and integration of production technical preparation (construction, design, testing for EDB product manufacturability, their production technological process design, as well as technical equipment design), etc.
Pages: 3-6

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