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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Nickel(+2) recovery from spent nickel electroplating and electroless plating solutions in the forms of ammonium nickel phosphates
E. G. Afonin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «Kaluga Research Institute of Telemechanical Devices». E-mail: kniitmu@kaluga.net
The method of nickel(+2) precipitation (more 99,9%) from spent nickel electroplating and electroless plating solutions in the forms of crystalline nickel(+2) ammonium phosphates NH4NiPO4-6H2O and NH4NiPO4-H2O is presented. The best conditions for precipitate formation are pH 5,5-6,7; 4-6 mol of ammonium phosphate per 1 mol nickel(+2) in the spent nickel electroless plating solution with aminoacetic acid as ligand. Some chemical and physicochemical properties of nickel(+2) ammonium phosphates are studied.
Pages: 34-40

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