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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
About perspective of use of inertial methods in individual navigation
inertial navigation
inertial navigation system without platform
orientation angle
pedestrian positioning error
phase of movement
phase of rest
correction and postcorrection of velocity
I. E. Monvige-Montvid - Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Kaluga Research Institute of Telemechanical Devices». E-mail: kniitmu@kaluga.net
The short description of classical algorithm of positioning on the base of integration of indications of angular velocity sensors and double integration of linear accelerations sensors is given. The problem of the possibility of usage of this algorithm at positioning of pedestrians by means of subscriber set (SS), equipped with small-size inertial navigation system without platform is described.
Methods of obtaining of initial parameters in the conditions of individual navigation, using both known reference points and indications of satellite navigating receiver are analyzed and estimated for accuracy. Formulas are deduced. Concrete example of influence of error of initial definition of angles of roll and pitch on a relative error of positioning is given.
On the base of the spent analysis the conclusion about the possibility of classical positioning only on short time intervals is done. At the ends of these intervals it is necessary to drop the accumulated error. It is possible when SS is fixed on footwear of the pedestrian and the error is dropped at each step (during rest phase). Integration is carried out during short-time phase of movement.
For test of possibility of positioning at the given conditions the tests with different variants of algorithm were carried out.
The tests showed:
in a vertical direction it is hardly possible to achieve required level of accuracy without additional devices. It is offered to use barometric altimeter.
in a horizontal direction on a short distance the satisfactory result can be obtained, but long-time positioning requires the periodic correction of movement course using additional means. As a whole the analysis allows to estimate positively the positioning of people using SS fixed to footwear.
Pages: 23-28
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